most of the summer fruits and veggies are winding down, setting seed, and ripening. here are a few pictures of the gardens as summer ends and transitions to fall.
the winter squash are maturing on the vine and the summer squash are producing fewer and smaller fruits.
tromboncino ripening next year's seed |
spaghetti squash ready for harvest |
summer squashes looking tired as asian greens and kales start to take over |
pac choi cross looking happy as the summer squash fade around it |
we've got a good store of eggs in the fridge as the ducks take a break from laying and work on replacing their feathers and fattening up a little for the cooling weather.
the nerds letting me know it's time to start cooking rice for them again |
tough go for beans this year. the erratic spring weather and pest pressure forced multiple sowings and depleted most of the seed i've saved. instead of eating this year's crop i've allowed the plants to ripen the pods to replenish our seed store for planting next spring.
'rattlesnake' pole beans ripening |
i planted some popcorn mostly for fun and it ended up doing quite well.
i will probably harvest the ears and let the stalks stand over winter so the praying mantises will have a sheltered place to overwinter their egg casings...
perfectly camouflaged mama mantis looking full of eggs |
very good year for berries. we've still got blackberries ripening and the raspberries, which gave us a nice crop in the spring, are now ripening a good fall crop.
the figs are still ripening their main crop and we've been getting a handful of figs every day or two.
'violette de bordeaux' |
assorted figs, an asian pear, and a late plum |
first year of fruiting for the asian pears. we have four trees of various ages, each a different variety. three of the four have fruited this year and the oldest of them, the 'hosui', is loaded with tasty, round pears.
'hosui' asian pear with 'indian free' peach in the background |
as the heat lovers wind down the cooler weather crops are taking over.
two bathtubs full of daikons and radishes |
daikons and radishes heading to the kitchen |
assorted greens coming up through the shelter of the stalks that bore them |
it was a beautiful and bountiful summer. i'm looking forward to what fall will bring.