Sunday, February 17, 2019

sunday bacon in bed with dog

out early with zane to take care of the ducks and then back under the covers for some coffee, bacon, and light therapy (i run on solar power and when the sun doesn't shine i need a little more light in the mornings to keep from getting too seasonally affective).  staal made some good coffee and bacon and we sat in bed with jack and zane enjoying it while watching the snow come down and the little birds eat birdseed in the kitchen garden.  we decided the world would be a better place if everyone had sunday bacon in bed with their dog (or cat, or significant other etc.).

yeah, my zipper pull is a paper clip

my snowy, early morning chore companion

some of that white stuff outside in the kitchen garden, led light therapy lamp, and beautiful crispy bacon

out of focus but the only one i could catch him smiling

looking to staal for a tidbit

it's usually jack on my lap this time of morning but zane seemed to need a little lap time for himself today

piling up pretty well and still coming down

wherever you find yourselves today, may you be safe, and warm, and enjoy some time with someone you love...furry or otherwise.

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