Sunday, June 16, 2019

happy father's day

my dad always had a garden in the summer when i was a kid.  my brother and i used to help hunt tomato worms sometimes.  i liked the magic of watching the plants grow and fruit, and the smell of the damp soil, and the warmth of the sun.  my own gardens hold a new magic for me and gardening has been a source of personal and spiritual growth and healing.  it's an important part of my daily life and i'm thankful my dad introduced me to the magic of it.

now that we've had a couple weeks of warm weather the garden is finally starting to take off...

summer squashes are looking happy and starting to fruit.

beans, popcorn, and cucumbers growing well.

lovely little lettuces.

good year for cherries, raspberries, and mulberries.  blackberries will be coming along in a couple weeks.

i picked a few.

happy father's day, dad.  thank you.


  1. This is a sweet rememberance, and a beautiful bounty.

  2. This is beautiful! Yes, what a fantastic gardener you have become.

  3. Beautiful bounty indeed. Here in Seattle squash are a ways off but our berries are just starting to go.
    You didn't know my dad (Aischa did) - he always had a big tomato patch and built a temporary greenhouse cover around them every August to extend our short summers. Thanks for memories!
