Friday, November 8, 2019

catio (framing)

all the major framing for the new catio is done and it's pretty much ready for the roof to go on.  i'll have to work out the transition area where the house roof and the catio roof come together but what needs to be done there will present itself as the roofing goes on.

here are a few pictures of the progress made since the last post...

benji was in the greenhouse watching me working on the catio and screeched (he is no longer mute) me until i went in, got him harnessed, and let him out to supervise.

wiggle board for the corrugated roof metal to sit on

that's where things are now.  next comes roofing.


  1. Sent you some photos for the next chapter...

  2. Beautiful work! I'll be there to inspect it tomorrow:)
