Tuesday, December 10, 2019

neuter complete

we dropped off benji at the vet yesterday morning for his neuter and some blood work.  dr. wise greeted us and gave the run down of what the surgery could entail depending on where they located the testicles.   she hadn't been able to feel anything at an earlier exam a few weeks ago so it was inconclusive as to whether the testicles were still deep in the abdomen or closer to the surface tissues.  when we went to pick benji up in the afternoon one of the techs talked to us a little about how things went.  she said benji was very good about being handled while he was there and the blood work all looked normal.  they located the testicles in the inguinal canal (groin area) so the surgery was much less invasive than if they'd been in the abdomen and his recovery will be a lot quicker.

he was a bit off last night while still working the drugs out of his system but he is doing very well today.  the surgical site looks good and he is moving around without any sign of discomfort.  he is pretty tired but with his restless/superactive temperament we're having to really help him settle and get the rest his body needs to repair itself.  we did a short, easy walk earlier today after the worst of the morning chill had gone.  he was looking pretty tired in his eyes when we came back in.  i got him to settle in my lap a couple times but only very briefly so i put him out in his room where he will be less distracted and can snuggle up and snooze in his nest under the heat lamp.

zane and benji in the orchard garden this morning engaging in one of their regular cooperative mouse hunts

happy the surgery is done and benji is well and grateful for the excellent care from everyone at all creatures veterinary hospital.  now we'll see how long it takes for all his belly fur to grow back.

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