Monday, January 25, 2021

winter has arrived

we've had a long stretch of dry weather and very mild temperatures.  it's been pleasant but we always get a bit anxious when we go a long stretch without getting rain in the winter.  yesterday it clouded up and cooled off considerably.  we got 4-5 inches of snow overnight.  it's finally looking and feeling like winter.

looking wintry

don't think they even noticed

love those branches


garden gate

"blech!  insides me now, human!"

monster oak felled by mono wind of last week

majestic snow creature zane

sweet puppy zane with a "snose"

fig trees

snow party!

more wintry weather to come!


  1. Love, love all of your photos! That Zane and Benji are so photogenic! You and Fred are pretty cute too.

  2. Yes beautiful snow images. Benji pulling on the leash especially - cats and snow, not a good match.
    Although, I should email you one of Mango in the snow trotting along in his long dugout lane leading to a relatively sheltered litter box area under a compost spinner in the back yard.

    Thank you Melina for sharing your pictures and your poetry. I feel like these last couple months it is words like Carry Me that have, well, carried me more than once. I'm grateful!

    Hugs to both of you from your northern cousin, posting anonymously since Google won't let me in :- )
