Wednesday, August 11, 2021

into the tangle

benji and zane took me up to the tangle on our walk this morning.  it's mostly a wild snarl of old buckbrush.  a magical place.  from certain angles of approach it seems impenetrable but the boys know just the right way to go and all i have to do is follow them through a series of gaps that magically open up as we approach.  in the center of the tangle there is a stillness that i find most serene.


zane and benji lead the way


taking time along the trail to roll in some deer smell





into the tangle

remnants of a hammock---someone else knew about the serenity of this spot

the only way to get this wild one to come back home


  1. Nice pics! It is so interesting that there can be magical feeling places, even amongst dry grass and oaks. What makes it feel that way? A sort of feng shui for nature? I love the top part of your property for some reason. There is an area that feels just right.

    1. there's a point where you get far enough away from the road and sort of closer to buckingham mt. where it is just more foresty and peaceful feeling---there's the magic flowing down off the mountain and the jangle of the road dissipates. the tangle is like being in a kind of quiet, timeless nest and it's almost like everything just stops. everything. so peaceful.

  2. So nice to have that on your land. Ever think about putting together a book of your photography? You have a fantastic eye for beauty.

    1. yeah, i would kind of like to do a photo book. just not sure where to start.

  3. A book of photos and poems too! I get a lift every time I peek in the Triangle. Loved Good Job. Loved Show Me Everything. And who knew okra was so beautiful - and the tangle too. Makes me miss California's foothills and running with Mick's dogs on those hillsides above Finegold Creek. Not that we lack beauty here but it's just so different. The foothills there were love at first sight for me. Thanks and a big hug from your northern cousin!
