Wednesday, April 2, 2014

early april snow

we got a little snow in the night---maybe a couple inches.  it's melting pretty quickly ( i like that part).  staal and i went out this morning and had fun walking around and taking pictures.  

zane loves snow

chinese pistache

wild turkey tracks

the aforementioned wild turkeys

semi-domesticated turkey

manzanita blossoms---kind of looks like a dessert to me

never know how things are going to turn out when you mix tender new growth and snowfall but the garden seems to have come through just fine.

low tunnels looking a little droopy under the snow load

cold frame keeping some plants cozy


more lettuce---just because it's pretty

squash seedlings outside on the potting bench keeping warm with a heat mat and humidity dome

it was a lovely morning. 

staal took some really great photos---you can see things from his perspective here:

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