Monday, August 5, 2019

august 5th

jack and billy were orphaned at a few days old and my aunt kathryn was bottle feeding them and their three siblings when i visited one day.  i fell in love with them and brought them home with me that day, the 20th of august 2005.  they were tiny and helpless.  i bottle fed them every few hours and kept them warm and safe---i was a pretty good mama cat.  their eyes had just recently opened and they were somewhere between crawling and just starting to walk on wobbly little legs.  i figured they were about 2 weeks old so i chose august 5th as a birth date for them (my aunt may know the actual date of their births).  today they would have been 14 years old (i'm giving jack the full 14 since he was so close and he definitely earned it).  jack and billy's sister, sophia, still lives with my aunt kathryn.  she's become quite the queen of the castle...

happy birthday, sophia louise whitestocking!

i miss jack and billy very much and today i celebrate their lives and give thanks for the time we had together.  here are a few videos i took of them over the years (because i need to hear them and see them today).

a couple days after bringing them home.  the light is too dim to see much but the best part is billy's enormous purr coming out of his tiny body...

early explorations on the porch in catheys valley...

happy little savages...

miss that purr...

love bites...

he was a talker...

happy birthday, my little beasties, i love you.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet. I'm happy you have so many videos to look back on. You were the best cat mama.
