Monday, September 2, 2019

a little one

a couple days ago a local woman found a kitten (only 5-6 weeks old), alone, covered in stickers, and very hungry.  she posted a video of him on social media asking if anyone could give him a home.  i watched the video.  i wasn't sure what i was feeling.  i slept on it.  then yesterday morning i watched the video again and contacted the woman and asked if anyone had shown an interest in him.  she said no.  i wrestled with thoughts and emotions.  talked with staal to see how he felt.  agonized some more and finally told the woman we would take him.  we met her in bootjack at the little market/gas station around 12:30,  picked him up and brought him home.   he has been purring loudly and pretty much continuously since yesterday.

kitten specifications:  he was pretty dirty so i gave him a bath.  no fleas or ticks.  he's skin and bones but seems healthy otherwise (will get him a vet check soon).  he's eating soft, solid food but is young enough he still wants to nurse so i may try bottle feeding him for a while in addition to the solid food.  he's playful and inquisitive and sweet and completely fascinated with zane.  he doesn't seem able to meow but he purrs like a maniac.  he's going to be an indoor cat but i'm going to leash train him so he can come outside with me.  haven't given him an name yet.

here he is...

getting ready for a dip in the sink

helping me and zane keep an eye on the ducks while they forage

snuggled in for a snooze

feeling frisky


i don't feel fully ready for all of this but it still seems right.  this little one needs a good, loving, safe home and i want to give that to him.


  1. Oh soooo cute! Congratulations, hugs, and pets.

  2. What a cutie! He's so lucky to have you as his new mama!Congratulations and I look forward to meeting him soon!
